Nursery Location Open:
Sundays 8-3 Mondays 8-5
Upcoming Events:
March 29th- Spring Plant Celebration: 8:30-12 Escambia County Extension Office
April 4-6: Festival of Flowers PSC Milton Campus 9-5 daily
Next Palafox Market Date: April 12th
View Pricing Guide Here
Pre-Order via Wishlist or Contact Form
Next Pre-Order Pickup:
616 West Chase Street Pensacola FL 32502
Check here for seasonal pre-orders:
Coming soon! Custom wildflower meadow packs

Located in Northwest Florida
Who We Are
Located near Pensacola in Northwest Florida, our nursery specializes in growing a wide range of native plants that are adapted to our local climate and soil. Many of the plants we grow are wild type and local genetics, meaning that they were part of our natural ecosystem before the land was developed. Native plants form the foundation for wildlife, providing shelter and food for butterflies, bees, birds, and many other species.
In collaboration with Florida Native Landscapes, we offer guidance and services for designing and installing your ideal native plant landscape to bring beauty and life into your yard. Thank you for caring about native plants!
Plants may be purchased at our nursery or at the Palafox Market in downtown Pensacola on the second Saturday of every month. We will accept pre-orders up to two days before the market date. Use the contact form below to place an order, or request an appointment to come by the nursery outside of normal business hours.
Plant Selector Tool
Use our Plant Selector Tool to find plants that suit your space. Enter your growing conditions and the types of plants you're interested in to see what we have available. You can also add plants to your wish list to keep track of your selections.
Our goal is to provide as much information as possible to help you choose which native plants are right for you. Planting the right plant in the right place can ensure long-term success. Use these guides to find plants that will thrive in your yard, as well as serve the proper ecological and aesthetic function that you are looking for.